Friday, June 14, 2013

Day 7 & 8: Swimming, Eating, and an Attempt at Orlando Tourism

Yesterday I promised an amazing free activity to do in Orlando and I was more than excited to share with you my personal experience with The Peabody Duck March. The Peabody Duck March is free at the Peabody Hotel and it is literally a march of ducks to their respective fountain in the hotel's atrium. Here's a video of the march if you're curious.

So you're probably wondering why I don't have my own pictures/video of this amazing event. Well, as they start promptly at 11am, we (Staci, Nick, and I) left 3o minutes early, but that unfortunately was not enough time to figure out parking, which was really difficult at the Peabody Hotel. The only convenient option would have been valet, but ain't nobody got time for that, so we left and are planning on visiting the march at some point in our 6 month stay in Orlando.

As we are all low on money we are finding more and more things to do that are either free or cheap, which as I have said before is more difficult than we thought. The good news though is that on Saturday, tomorrow, Staci and I will get our Disney passes to get into the parks for free! That's right, we get into Disney world for FREE. Honestly, that's worth the internship itself, but thankfully we do get paid!

So let's take a second and talk about the food. Nebraska and Minnesota do not have any of these classic restaurants, I guess because when my roommates list off the restaurants around us, most likely I have visited none of them. Staci and I visited Steak n' Shake on Sunday and I got the guacamole burger - it was SO good. The burger was juicy and everything tasted fresh - except the water. I've noticed that the water in Orlando/Kissimmee is not the best as it has a weird taste. Anyway, we also got Baskin Robins, which I weirdly have never had and a Boston Creme donut from Dunkin' Donuts. Oh. My. I told Staci that I now know why the South has an obesity problem. Seriously.

We are now looking at more local restaurants as we all like to support local businesses and our first experience with local food was at La Estacion Colombiana. Staci and I went as the restaurant was right by an auto repair shop as Staci had to get her brake lights replaced. So as you can tell, we were a little hesitant, but we had over half an hour to wait, so we decided to bite the bullet and try the restaurant. We both commented how we knew Spanish and it really shouldn't be too bad, but we walk in and immediately the waitress spoke a flurry of Spanish. Staci and I looked at each other and just sat down. We both ended up getting a side of rice and a salad, mine with avocados. Staci and I are both dreaming about that rice.

Today Staci and I ended up going to the pool as it was gorgeous out. It was SUCH a good decision. It was perfect out and the pool wasn't too hot or too cold. Thankfully my sunburn has been getting better and I did get some 50+ sunscreen, so I am now Florida prepared :)

I am thinking I will post one more time about the whole Disney internship program and try to explain somethings about what I am doing/how I got the internship. Hopefully this will be helpful to those who are interested in applying for the spring :)

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