Sunday, June 16, 2013

Day 9: Day Before Work Starts!

Today was a very chill day for both Staci and I as we did not have to work. I had to return a few things at Target and then we went to the pool. The pool today was really crowded and rowdy as there were a few large families enjoying the sunshine. Staci and I decided to go in anyways and the pool was still as relaxing as ever.

There was a family that had a guy about our age with hair like Troy Polamalu and I believe his nephews were trying to attack him in the pool - like I said, it was rowdy. As they were practically stampeding towards him in the pool, they started saying "Aim for the hair! Aim for the hair!" Needless to say, Staci and I had to contain our laughter. They then had water guns and started saying "Aim for the eyes!" Mr. Polamalu turned around with his hands in his eyes and yelled, "not in the eyes! I have contacts in!" So what did the five boys do? They started yelling "Aim for the lips! Aim for the lips!" We ended up only staying for 30 minutes because it was so hectic.

After some relaxing at home for a bit, Staci and I thought it would be a good idea to get some celebratory ice cream. Since Staci had been craving Cotton Candy ice cream, we went to the closest ice cream place: Twistee Treat. I have never been here before and it turns out that it was cash only, so we actually couldn't get any ice cream, but have no fear, we ended up going to Coldstone and it was still really good! Staci obviously got cotton candy and I got cake batter with Heath mixed in.

How cute is this Twistee Treat?

Good marketing Cold Stone

This Cold Stone had a super cute storefront!
I am actually really nervous to start working tomorrow. I keep getting the feeling that I somehow oversold myself, but we'll see. I start at 9am tomorrow, but I have to get my ID tomorrow, so I am planning on getting to Access Control - where I get my ID - at 8am and hopefully I will have enough time to get to work. It's a risk, but I really want to get my ID :(

Here's some fun things that I found today around Florida:

This was on my car today. Thought it was legitimately a bug and
I started to freak out. Thankfully it was just some type of debris from a tree.
While Staci and I were going to Cold Stone, we saw someone just chilling
in the back of this truck. Welcome to Florida.

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